Thursday Night Torture

Thursday Night Torture – May 17th
05/18/07 at 12:13:30 Quote Modify Remove
This was just the usual Thursday night Texas Wheels ride, but there were some notable things about it. I got my first look at Greg’s new Tica (awesome looking bike). He was settling for a Joe Pool dam ride while he learns to handle this bike, and looked like he was having quite an adventure taking off in that crowded parking lot (reminded me of my first takeoff tries on my first bent, a USS Tsunami which I first rode around a parking lot, except that I chose an EMPTY parking lot). How’d the ride go, Greg?

It was a perfect evening, close to 80 degrees with a light north wind. Mark Metcalfe showed up, decked out in his new 2007 RAAM jersey. Wow, spiffy! He explained to me that he was still in recovery mode after his Kansas City 600k last weekend, then promptly dropped me and slowly disappeared ahead of me in the distance, never to be seen again by me on this evening.

My average speed for the ride was 19.7 mph, so I’m still slowly gaining on my goal of 20 mph for this ride. A little maneuver I did let me once again discover that I hadn’t reached my max heart rate on the Corsa, yet. As we made the Lake Ridge turn and started up the first hill, I was, as I always am, riding at the back of the peloton. The three riders in front of me got dropped off the back. There was no point in my trying to catch the peloton, since I would get dropped a couple of miles ahead, on Texas Plume Road, anyway, but I couldn’t resist finding out if I could. I pulled out and sprinted up the hill and reeled in the peloton. It was only after I got home and uploaded to my pc from my gps that I found out what my heart rate had reached during that little sprint: 205.

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