GDB Airport Ride

I did the GDB Airport Ride today. Paul wasn’t able to make it, but Mike (mschwitz in the yahoo group) brought his Corsa, so there were two bents. This time of year, the ride starts at 8:00 am, and the shopping center parking lot it starts in is west of Preston, across the street from where it used to start.

It was a nice turnout as always, and a beautiful morning, although it got pretty warm and humid later. The wind stayed fairly light. It was the usual trip out to the store, with traffic lights breaking the group into several smaller groups. Mike and I talked and hung out at the back most of the way, speeding up a bit and moving up later.

When we left the store for the airport loop, I kind of got caught up in the middle of the group and let a small lead group get out in front a ways, but then sped up and rode with them the rest of the loop. This group kept a fairly fast pace, but believe it or not, I took the sprints at both the water tower and end of the loop.

Mike was among those who headed back after the loop, but 8 of us stayed for a second loop. We did this loop at a much more relaxed pace. We didn’t get far into the loop before I heard the unmistakable sound of a tube blowing, then the dreaded hiss. It was my front tire. I didn’t find anything in the tire; it looked like a pinch flat. With plenty of help, it was fixed quickly, and the rest of the ride went fine.

I ended up with 69.6 miles with an average speed of 17.3 mph. The biggest thing I noticed was how much better than last year I was able to hold my speed on the short hills on this ride. I guess all that riding up Texas Plume is helping. With only 1538 feet of climbing, and light winds, it was fun to ride this speedy course again. Traffic lights and stop signs were the only things to slow you down today.

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