Ellis County creek – July 8th

After nine months, I finally made it back to the Ellis County creek where I’ve found so many teeth. This is an Eagle Ford outcrop. The water level was much higher than I expected. It wasn’t quite up to the matrix that holds most of the fossils, but high enough to make wading across the creek dicey, plus I didn’t get to hunt most of the sand bars.

This is the biggest fish vert I’ve ever found. Most of the fish verts I’ve found in this creek aren’t in very good condition either, but this one is in really nice shape. Click the photos to be able to zoom in and get a closer look.

As usual for this creek, most of the Ptychodus teeth I found were pretty small, but I did find these two nicer ones.

These are still in the matrix. They are mosasaur verts. I’ve never found mosasaur verts in the creek before, and today I found two of them.

As usual for this creek, I brought home lots of interesting looking matrix to go through.

Here are the other teeth I found. As usual, there were more Ptychodus teeth than anything else. I’m sure there will be more from the matrix. I’ll add photos after I’ve gotten through the matrix.

This photo shows how close the water level was to the matrix holding fossils.

Update: July 10th. Matrix removed, here is what I brought home. I’m always amazed at the number of Ptychodus teeth in this creek.

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