NSR – May 20th

I made a hike down the North Sulfur River bottom today, and as usual, there were fun things to be found. There are shell fragments everywhere in the shale at NSR, but most of them aren’t from ammonites like this one. Click the photos to be able to zoom in and get a closer look.

This ammonite imprint in the shale actually had two pieces nearby which fit together nicely.

I found this almost complete ammonite in a creek wall, but it sure is trying to fall apart.

And a beautiful fish tooth, even if it’s broken. It’s from an Enchodus.

The most common fossils at this part of NSR are baculites and barbed wire. They’re both everywhere. I left all the barbed wire, but kept these two baculites.

I keep telling myself I’m not going to make that long hike down the river bottom with another heavy Egogyra Ponderosa oyster in my backpack, but then I find a beauty like this.

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