Post Oak Creek – April 20th

I made my first trip to Post Oak Creek today. There had been rain in the forecast for yesterday, so I hoped for some newly washed out fossils, but Sherman got no rain. So, I knew things would be pretty picked over, but I decided to go anyway, and just hike a bit further down the creek than I normally might, to see if I could find a few teeth anyway.

I stayed about three hours. The knee pads I bought yesterday were definitely a good investment. These old fart eyes need to be close to the sand bars to get within reading glass distance of those small teeth. I had also made a sifter, and carried out half a bucket of sand to go through at home. I had fun. That creek is an amazing fossil place. Click the photos to be able to zoom in and get a closer look.

You really can’t appreciate just how large of an area on the banks, and creek walls in places, that are covered with fossilized shell filled rocks, until you see it. I brought home this one rock to remind myself of what the place looked like, as well as try to explain it to others.

There are truly fossil fragments everywhere on those sand bars. I was mainly looking for teeth, so I tended to ignore all the other stuff, but I couldn’t resist picking up these two small gastropods.

Up until now, I had hardly found any shark teeth, so it was fun picking up teeth today. The tooth in that last photo is a Ptychodus tooth.

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