It’s a RANS Screamer.
Actually, I drove to Shawnee, Oklahoma to meet the sellers and pick it up. I had to modify my bike rack to make it fit. Rose and I will by styling it now on our tandem rides.
I joined Gary and Charlie this morning, and rode the Venus to Elm Mott 200k. My mileage is down and my weight up, and the climbing on this route isn’t bad, so I figured it would be an easy route to get myself back into 200k riding form.
But things are never that easy, are they? The wind howled, Gary set a fast pace that caused me to burn too many matches early in the ride, and by the end, I was completely out of gas, just turning the pedals and trying to keep moving.
I ended up with 127.8 miles and finished in 8:40, a very good 200k time for me. I’m just glad it wasn’t a hilly route. I would have been in real trouble at the end. I need to start doing more rando rides, since I seem to be having trouble getting as many miles as I want now that I’m not commuting to work on my bike. All the chipseal on this route didn’t agree with my bad shoulder very well, but I survived, and know I can still do a 200k while I’m waiting to get it fixed.
I’ve now been off work for over a month. It looks like I’ll be off a lot longer. My orthopedic evaluation appointment isn’t until May 1st, and there will likely be surgery and rehab after that before I can return to work. I only ended up with 400 miles ridden for the month of February. It’s plainly going to be harder to get my mileage in, not commuting by bike to work all the time like I was.
It’s still too early in the year for any of the pay rides I do, and I don’t much like rando riding when it’s cold, so I’ve mainly just been doing short rides from home. Rose and I have done quite a few rides on the tandem. A ride from home to, and back from, the Avoca Coffee Shop in a historic neighborhood just south of downtown Fort Worth has been a favorite route lately.
On the way back, Trail Lake Drive has a nice bike lane for a couple of miles. The only problem with that is that there always seem to be cars illegally parked in the bike lane. Even this google maps satellite photo shows cars illegally parked in the bike lane. That makes it pretty obvious that they park there every day.
Google Maps Satellite Photo
I took photos of three of the parked cars today, and reported the license plate numbers to the FWPD when I got home. Do you suppose that, plus posting the vehicle photos here and on facebook will make any difference in this, the most car-centric place on the planet?
As I arrived home from my ride, I once again noticed what a jungle has grown up in the lot across the street. Our HOA is picky about everyone keeping their lawns mowed, yet this lot always looks like a jungle. What’s up with that? Is the landowner on the HOA board or what? I complained about this to the HOA after I got in the house. I guess I’m just in snitch mode today…
I ended up with 33.3 miles on the XStream this morning.
Bike lane illegally parked car #1.
Bike lane illegally parked car #2.
Bike lane illegally parked car #3.
I rode to work all four days this week. My ride home today was early, just a couple of hours after my ride to work.
Funny how something as simple as an MRI can change your life. Yesterday’s results show that I have a cratered rotator cuff in my left shoulder. There are three tears, surgery is likely. My shoulder has been hurting for a couple of years, and gradually reached the point where the heavy and physical machine shop maintenance work I do had become very difficult.
My employer has maintained its no “light duty” policy, and put me on medical leave. It will likely take me a couple of months to get to see a VA orthopedic doctor, more time before the surgery, then rehab time afterwards. For the foreseeable future, my bike commuting is over.
At this point, I’m glad I ride recumbents. If I had to lean on the handlebar of an upright, I’d likely be off the bike for a while. As it is, I’ll be riding, just not commuting. Guess I’ll take the fenders off the Xstream tomorrow and install my speed wheels.
2012 days ridden to work: 22
2012 commuting mileage: 545.1
I rode to work all five days this week. I ended up with 542 miles in January, not a bad winter month total for me. This morning, I rode to work in shorts, a bit hard to believe for a February morning ride before daylight. I ran into a bit of drizzle for a short stretch of that ride in, but stayed dry on the ride home, glad to have gotten home before the storms.
2012 days ridden to work: 18
2012 commuting mileage: 446.3
I only rode to work three days this week. By the Tuesday afternoon ride home, a light rain was already falling, and I settled for driving to work the next two days as the heavy rain caused flooding. I rode to work today and fought a stout south wind on the ride home.
Last Sunday, Rose and I climbed onto the tandem for the first time in over two years, and rode just over 19 miles. I’m hoping to do a lot more miles on the tandem once my work commuting days are done.
2012 days ridden to work: 13
2012 commuting mileage: 323.8
It wasn’t much of a bike commuting week this week. I was so wiped out from Sunday’s windy 200k that I just drove to work Monday rather than riding. I had medical appointments on both Wednesday and Friday, so didn’t ride those days either. I rode Tuesday and Thursday, and got an extra 5 miles on the ride home Tuesday, making a stop at Performance Bike to pick up some tubes.
2012 days ridden to work: 10
2012 commuting mileage: 250.3
I rode the Venus to Elm Mott 200k today. It’s an out and back route that’s not too terrible on hills. I figure since I hadn’t ridden a 200k since last fall, it would be a easy route to try.
But is wasn’t that easy. The wind was brutal. It was a good turnout. I rode with the last group for a while, but they kept stopping too much to suit me, so I rode on ahead, and caught Mark M and Michelle at a control, and took off with them. I stayed with them quite a while, but when they decided to ratchet up the pace, they were long gone, and I finished alone. I ended up with 127.8 miles and finished in 9:30.
Venus to Elm Mott 200k route.
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Last week, I was off for the holiday on Monday, but rode to work the next four days. The weather was dry all week, but with a wide range of temperatures. It was 26 degrees as I rode to work Tuesday morning and 73 degrees as I rode home Friday afternoon.
This week, I conceded Monday to the wind, rain, and cold, but rode to work the rest of the week. Yesterday morning, it was 32 degrees with a 30 mph north wind. My ride in is 12 miles straight north, so it was the toughest commute I’ve done in a while. It took me over an hour to get to work. It was barely over 40 degrees in the afternoon, and the wind was gusting close to 40 mph, but at least it was a tailwind for the ride home.
2012 days ridden to work: 8
2012 commuting mileage: 196
Between the holidays and doctor appointments, I only rode to work three days this week and three days last week. I also did 25 miles from home on Saturday morning.
5 miles into this morning’s ride to work, I reached my mileage goal for the year, 7,500 miles. I’m not riding tomorrow, so these mileage totals will be my totals for the year.
I also passed a milestone on December 20th. On that day, I became a four year lung cancer survivor. As of my last scan, I was still cancer free, so my goal of remaining cancer free for five years and being considered cured, is in sight now. Happy New Year, everyone!
2011 days ridden to work: 219
2011 commuting mileage: 5354.7
2011 overall days ridden: 263
2011 overall mileage: 7519