LSR Arlington 100K populaire

I rode the LSR 100k populaire today. I missed a turn and got some bonus miles in the ride, plus I rode the 17.5 miles from my house to the start and then back after the ride. I ended up with 107.3 miles, my first century on the Xstream.

Work commute

I rode to work three days this week. It was 18 degrees as I rode to work this morning. I am certainly looking forward to next week’s warmer weather.

Today’s ride home ended up being more treacherous than I expected. I dismounted and walked my bike across a large stretch of ice in the shade of an underpass, but then went down just two miles further down the road when I hit a small patch of wet leaves in a turn. No obvious damage to bike or rider, although I’m thinking a bruise may show up on my right hip.

2011 days ridden to work: 22
2011 commuting mileage: 530.2

Commute route