Burleson Honey Tour

I rode the Burleson Honey Tour today. I did the metric century (which was really only 59.4 miles). I’ve ridden all the roads before. I liked the ride and route. Traffic control was good for the closer part of the route. Alvarado and south, you were on your own.

The wind was brutal going out and the hills slowed me coming back. I ended up with a 17.3 mph average, not a great average for me for this route, a reminder that I’m still dragging around an extra five pounds. I rode to and from the start for a total of 72.6 miles. That gives me 195 miles for the week, so not a bad mileage week. I think I’ll battle the wind from the deck of my boat tomorrow, rather than on my bicycle.

Burleson Honey Tour route

Work commute

It was 50 degrees with light winds on the ride in Wednesday morning. The usual south wind had returned by the afternoon, making sure I had a headwind for the ride home.

I veered off my commuting route on the way home to go 3 miles west for a stop at the Performance Bike store. I picked up a SRAM quick link there, then pedaled down the block to Half Price Books to pick up something to read on this weekend’s DC trip.

Then I did some bonus miles south of Crowley, ending up with just over 51 miles for the day.

I rode to work the last four days. I was going to do some extra miles on the way home again afternoon, but my legs were tired, the wind was fierce, and there was a dishwasher at home waiting to be installed. So, I just rode straight home.

I’m flying to DC in the morning, so no bike rides for me for the next three days.

2011 days ridden to work: 82
2011 commuting mileage: 1992.1

Peachy Keene 200K permanent

I joined Susan and John, Diane and Mark, Mark M, and Chuck and did my Peachy Keene 200k permanent today. I hadn’t ridden a 200K since last fall, so figured I’d better keep an easy pace. That’s exactly what the two tandems did. Mark M and Chuck took off ahead of us at the Maypearl control, but I stayed with the tandems and their easy pace the entire ride. We finished in 9:37.

Peachy Keene route

Work commute

I rode to work this morning (hey, a 50% chance of rain means there’s a 50% chance that it won’t rain, right?) The heavy thunderstorms hit here at 2:00, about an hour and a half before I get off work. At 2:30, Rose sent me this text, “I’m at home. Do u want me to come get ur a$$?” LOL

The rain was moving east fast enough that I thought it might be mostly past by 3:30, but it started training more to the northeast, and rained for hours more in Fort Worth. But at least the worst of the lightning seemed to be past, so I decided to give the ride home a go.

I made sure not to try and stop too fast anywhere, and made it home fine. As usual, the rain really wasn’t that bad until I reached Crowley, then it was a downpour the rest of the way. The bike’s fairing keeps the rain off my legs pretty well, and my hooded rain jacket keeps most of it off the rest of me.

Still, after riding in this kind of downpour, my clothes were wet enough that I just left them hanging in the garage. The good news is that Rose still rejoices at the sight of a naked man walking into the house.

Work commute

I rode to work 4 days this week, every day after the rainy Monday. On Tuesday, I took the long way home (humming that old Supertramp song), and instead of my usual 24.5 commute round trip miles, I did 46.4 miles.

I had a really poor mileage month last month, and with a three day weekend trip to DC this month where I’ll get 0 miles, I’m going to have to work to get my miles in.

2011 days ridden to work: 73
2011 commuting mileage: 1766.1

Commute route

Work commute

I rode to work all five days last week. Friday’s ride home against the 30+ mph winds was a bit tough.

Monday’s ride home from work was looking iffy when they issued a tornado warning for Glen Rose an hour before I got off. But the storm passed just south of Crowley as I was riding toward Crowley from the north. I never even felt a rain drop.

2011 days ridden to work: 69
2011 commuting mileage: 1668.1

Commute route

Work commute

I rode to work all five days again last week. March became the first calendar month that I’ve ever ridden to work every single work day of the month.

2011 days ridden to work: 56
2011 commuting mileage: 1,349.6

Don’t Set Limits

The Lungevity Foundation posted my Guest Blog on their website today. Here is the text from it:

It’s mid March, 2011, as I sit down to write this. My 60th birthday is in three weeks. It’s a birthday celebration that didn’t seem too certain when I was diagnosed with lung cancer forty months ago. But I was in a small minority of lung cancer patients who are diagnosed early, and have remained cancer free since my surgery in December, 2007.

The biopsy from my surgery found one cancerous lymph node, so my diagnosis became stage 2. I completed three rounds of chemotherapy in April, 2008. I don’t yet know if I’m cured, but at least I’ve had thee plus years of good health since my diagnosis and surgery. Hopefully, early diagnosis will soon become a lot more common, and a majority of lung cancer patients will enjoy at least a few cancer free years after treatment, just like I have. For those lucky enough to experience that, I say this: don’t set limits on what you can do. Challenge yourself to see what you can achieve, and how good a quality of life you can have after cancer.

I was already a long distance cyclist before my diagnosis. I even did a 200k ride two weeks before my surgery. So, challenging myself to see what I could do was already something I was familiar with. Setting out to see if you can do a 200k (125 miles) or 300k (187 miles) randonneuring ride on a bicycle is pretty scary at first. The natural thought is that it’s just impossible for an ordinary person to ride that far on a bicycle. But, with good training, and building up to longer distances, it turns out that it’s not nearly as tough as you thought.

But like everyone who’s diagnosed with lung cancer and scheduled to have part of a lung removed, I wondered what it would be like afterward. Research had already told me that the body cannot regenerate lost lung tissue, and that chronic fatigue was a common symptom of too much lost lung function. My lung function was good enough that I wasn’t worried about chronic fatigue after surgery, but would I still have the stamina to do a 200k ride? Would I still be able to average over 120 miles a week on a bike, like I did in 2007? My mindset was that I would challenge myself and find out.

Before the end of May in 2008, six weeks after I finished chemotherapy, I did a 100 mile ride, and in early June, I did a 200k. So yes, long distance riding was still possible after lung cancer. In the time since those two rides, I’ve done 51 more rides of 100 miles or more.

In 2010, my riding focus changed from long distance riding to commuting to work on my bike. But even with the majority of my 2010 miles on a heavier commuting bike, and holding down a full time job all year, I still managed over 7,500 miles ridden for the year, an average of over 140 miles a week.

What do I hope to accomplish next on a bike? At my current pace, by the end of this coming June, I will have ridden 24,900 miles since my diagnosis. Does that number sound familiar? It’s the circumference of the earth. If I reach that milestone, I will have ridden around the world since my lung cancer diagnosis.

Can I do it? I think I can. But, things like that are only possible if you challenge yourself, rather than arbitrarily deciding what you CAN’T do.

In other words, don’t set limits!

Dallas eyes Complete Streets, Better Blocks

Read the article here.

The city of Fort Worth actually has what looks to me like a good bike plan. They’re stated goal is to “Attain official designation as a Bicycle Friendly Community through the League of American Bicyclists” by 2015. But planned improvements for bikes were already moving at a snails pace even before the downturn and subsequent budget crunch hit. Now, you really don’t see much going on in this area. Maybe if these gas price increases last for a while, cities like Dallas and Fort Worth will have more incentive to make their bike projects a priority.

Work commute

I rode to work 4 days last week. I took Friday off the bike, and zombied out over the weekend to see if some time off my feet would help with my shin splints.

I rode to work yesterday to end up with 420 miles total for February. That’s not very good mileage for me, but considering the bad weather at the first of the month and my shin splints at the end of the month, I guess it will have to do.

It was 32 degrees as I rode to work this morning, and 72 degrees as I rode home this afternoon, a 40 degree temperature swing. How do you dress for that?

2011 days ridden to work: 33
2011 commuting mileage: 794.8

Commute route