I’ve now been off work for over a month. It looks like I’ll be off a lot longer. My orthopedic evaluation appointment isn’t until May 1st, and there will likely be surgery and rehab after that before I can return to work. I only ended up with 400 miles ridden for the month of February. It’s plainly going to be harder to get my mileage in, not commuting by bike to work all the time like I was.
It’s still too early in the year for any of the pay rides I do, and I don’t much like rando riding when it’s cold, so I’ve mainly just been doing short rides from home. Rose and I have done quite a few rides on the tandem. A ride from home to, and back from, the Avoca Coffee Shop in a historic neighborhood just south of downtown Fort Worth has been a favorite route lately.
On the way back, Trail Lake Drive has a nice bike lane for a couple of miles. The only problem with that is that there always seem to be cars illegally parked in the bike lane. Even this google maps satellite photo shows cars illegally parked in the bike lane. That makes it pretty obvious that they park there every day.
Google Maps Satellite Photo
I took photos of three of the parked cars today, and reported the license plate numbers to the FWPD when I got home. Do you suppose that, plus posting the vehicle photos here and on facebook will make any difference in this, the most car-centric place on the planet?
As I arrived home from my ride, I once again noticed what a jungle has grown up in the lot across the street. Our HOA is picky about everyone keeping their lawns mowed, yet this lot always looks like a jungle. What’s up with that? Is the landowner on the HOA board or what? I complained about this to the HOA after I got in the house. I guess I’m just in snitch mode today…
I ended up with 33.3 miles on the XStream this morning.
The Avoca Coffee Shop.

The Avoca route.

Bike lane illegally parked car #1.

Bike lane illegally parked car #2.

Bike lane illegally parked car #3.

Bike lane illegally parked cars.

The jungle lot across the street from home.