Work commute

It was 75 degrees, cloudy, and humid with a 20 mph south wind as I rode to work this morning. It’s supposed to get up to near 90 degrees again this afternoon.

As I was riding north on a flat stretch of Crowley Road just before Sycamore School Road, a Fort Worth Police cruiser pulled up beside me. The officer rolled down his window and said, “Just so you know, I clocked you doing 25 mph”. We both laughed (I was in a 50 mph zone). He asked if I was always that fast on a flat road. I pointed out that I had a good tailwind this morning. He drove on, and as he pulled up to the red light at Sycamore School Road, I slowed and crossed behind him to get in the left turn lane. Just before I pulled up to the light, it turned green. This is one of those left-turn-on-arrow-only lights. My bike almost never triggers the arrow, so I normally just turn on a regular green light. On this morning though, I stopped and waited for the next light as I watched the police car travel through the light.

It will be a tough ride back against that wind this afternoon, just like yesterday.

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